I got an extra copy of the amazingly amazing Jenks Miller & Nicholas Szczepanik collaboration American Gothic. And even though this is awesome enough to own two copies of, I think that’s a little stingy. Sharing is caring! So I’m having a contest that’s way less elaborate than the Mamaleek one and requires almost no effort on your part.
Just shoot me an email at justin [at] antigravitybunny [dot] com with the subject line “American Gothic Contest” and tell me what your favorite song/side/album/installation/whatever is of either Nicholas Szczepanik or Jenks Miller/Horseback. If there’s a reason or a story behind why you love it so, feel free to share. Submit your response by Sunday night, or more appropriately, before I wake up Monday morning, and you might win a copy of that glorious CD, still sealed in its protective plasticity. The winner will be announced sometime next week.
Go forth, and spread the Miller/Szczepanik love!