Between the first and second Sonorium, the wait was about a fuckin yeeaaarrrrr. Now, just three months after #2, Andrea & Vanessa have already gotten #3 ready to go and the lineup is as sweet as ever. Still keeping their homebase at The Griffen Theatre in Salem, they’ve gotten a slew of Mass based heroes and weirdos from afar. There’s the indescribable insanity of Preggy Peggy & The Lazy Babymakers (duo of Angela Sawyer of the infallible Weirdo Records and James Apt), freaky folk Whitehausers Peace, Loving, and minimal electro-acoustic composer Lou Bunk all out of Boston, then Diagram A comes in from Western Mass to destroy shit in an electronic thunderstorm. Distant out-of-towners are Brooklyn’s HAG (trio of David Grollman, Brad Henkel, & Sean Ali) and Californians Horaflora.
Pretty pumped about this lineup, all the more so because it’s right down the street from me. Still, even if you’re in the Boston area, this is totally worth it to come up. Lots of awesomeness going down on a Saturday night that currently doesn’t have much else goin for it.
May 21, 8:00, $10, 7 Lynde Street, Salem.