Moon Climb The Wall – Mic & Drum Part 2
Moon Climb The Wall is the musical weirdness project of Salem/Boston/Florida’s Mark Johnson. He’s pals with My Brother Daniel, so when MBD was putting out his Ponky tape, they figured might as well make it a split and through Quite Boring on the other side. But whereas Ponky was also a free download, I’m not sure if the same is true for Quite Boring. Mark is a cool dude though so if you ask him, I’m sure he’ll hook you up one way or the other. I mean fuck, the tapes are only 5 bucks and there’s just 20 of ’em.
This is some crazy fuckin shit. Johnson makes noise pop unlike anything else I’ve heard. He’s got a thing for solid beats, intimidating blown out electronics, vocals FXed all the way to fuckin Jupiter, and seemingly stream of consciousness lyrics. He’ll come up with a phrase that he likes and repeat it ad infinitum, shifting it from MC Chris highs to dying “Daisy Bell”-singing-HAL lows.
Tons of fun stuff on here. Short bits like “Obstacle Course” that’s all noise and WOOO!s, lo-fi murky mournful moans on “Blown Sonnet,” stuttered percussion on “Beating” for the dancing impaired. “Mic & Drum Part 2” is a minimal industrial techno jam that builds to a massive distorted noise drone explosion, dropping bombs down old missile silos and watching the ground crumble just because. “Upb” is pure masochism, no pop at all, just laser pulses and static blurts, electronics & vocals blurring in a whirlwind of smashed windows.
Quite Boring is anything but. Totally fucking rad weirdo jams that mash bizarre vocals with ear cleansing grit & occasionally party starting beats. Honestly, I doubt you’ll hear much else that sounds like Moon Climb The Wall. He’s got his own thing and he’s fuckin DOIN IT.