mutha. fucken. WOLD.

AGB Radio 2014/05/19

/Background music/ William Selman – Multiplied By Mirrors (from Equatorial Night)
Wold – Inner Space Infirmary (from Postsocial)
Ben Frost – Venter (from A U R O R A)
Prostitutes – The Bluffer (from Petit Cochon)
Mincemeat Or Tenspeed – Normal Techno Jam (from Waiting For Surfin’ Bird)
Black To Comm – Providence (from Providence)
Equal Stones – Death At Both Ends (from Transgression)
Pjusk & Sleep Orchestra – Vansunbarth (from Drowning In The Sky)
Panabrite – Fabric (from Tracer)
Klara Lewis – Muezzin (from Ett)
Flamingo Creatures – Soll Ich Ihre Mit Großem I Schreiben? Dann Sprechen Wir Damit Den Hörer An (from Hybrids Unlimited)
Maxwell August Croy & Sean McCann – Alexandria (from I)
Fossil – Quinine (from Ancram)
Ryan Huber – Horus (from Horus)

ambarchi omalley dunn - shade themes from kairos album cover
Ambarchi, O’Malley, & DunnShade Themes From Kairos (Drag City)
No audio, I’m not allowed to post anything yet. A video will be released soon though so keep an eye out for it.

Three dudes who hardly need an introduction, Oren Ambarchi, Stephen O’Malley, and Randall Dunn, have come together for what was originally supposed to be the score to the short Belgian film Kairos but evolved way beyond that into this 2xLP of harrowing dark ambient, a subtly menacing record that merges the already outstanding collaborative work between O’Malley’s guitar and Ambarchi’s electronics with Dunn’s perfect percussion, Shade Themes From Kairos walks the dark side of life, showing us all manner of occult & macabre, smoke & magik, ruins & rituals, truly penetrating music that ebbs & flows with soft skittering, bombastic nightmares, effortless drifts, enchanting vocals, devastating feedback, sonorous drone, and unholy freakouts, sights never before seen are laid in front of you, monolithic & unyielding, the sound of kingdoms fallen and souls forgotten, this is incredible fucking stuff, a truly magnificent record. I know these guys are pretty prolific but this one is not to be missed. And look at the fucking artwork by Denis Kostromitin I mean come on.

hiss tracts - shortwave nights album cover
Hiss TractsShortwave Nights (Constellation)


Hopefully you’ve heard of this already because of the people involved and because it’s on Constellation but if not, here’s what you’re missing. David Bryant from Godspeed You! Black Emperor & the painfully underrated Set Fire To Flames and Kevin Doria from the late great Growing and, more recently, the massive minimal drone of Total Life, have joined forces to become an otherworldly duo reigning ambient supreme. This is some seriously incredible shit, way better than you would have even hoped from a collab like this, these guys bring their creeping magic together and make some beautifully dark harrowing bliss out of fluttering piano, buzzing drone, haunted radio transmissions, whispered creak & crackle, and infinite fucking texture, this is goddamn perfect, sounds from the other side of the apocalypse, a post civilization decay seething throughout, shards of light poking through the gloom and offering moments of hope amidst the crumbling sadness, intense but never overwhelming and always with a somber ease (ok maybe it gets a little overwhelming once but it’s the fucking best). Top fucking notch. Truly hope this isn’t a one off because it would break my heart if this was all we ever heard from these guys.

California’s KFJC is doing something super special at the end of this month as part of their annual Month Of Mayhem. There’s going to be a live 24 hour long drone set with 40+ artists including Jim Haynes, Wobbly, Antimatter, Julia Mazawa, Gosling, and tons more. They’ll have live audio and video, so prepare to zone out from Friday, May 30th at 10:00 PM until Saturday, May 31 at 12:00 AM PST (or Saturday, May 31 at 1:00 AM until Sunday, June 1 at 3:00 AM EST). This is gonna be the fucking best.

The full schedule is below. More details at the 24 Hour Drone page.

22:00 Introduction
23:00 Tom Heasley
24:00 The Fathers
01:00 Thomas Carnacki
02:00 Amphibious Gestures
03:00 Wobbly
04:00 Talk More
05:00 Pink Gaze
06:00 Dominique Leone
07:00 Kristin Miltner & Cliff Caruthers
08:00 The Norman Conquest (electronic set)
09:00 Nux Vomica
10:00 David Lim & Ven Voisey
11:00 Jim Haynes
12:00 Richard Faulhaber
13:00 Ashley Bellouin & Ben Bracken
14:00 Antimatter
15:00 Robert Rich
16:00 Michael Gendreau & Seitz
17:00 Thomas Dimuzio
18:00 Phillip Greenlief
19:00 Julia Mazawa
20:00 Matt Davignon & Philip Ringler
21:00 Gosling
22:00 The Norman Conquest (acoustic set)
23:00 Wrap Up

Tons of great shit in this episode. More new music from Eluvium! Can’t get enough of that dude.

AGB Radio 2014-05-12

/Background music/ Kikagaku Moyo – Never Know (from Mammatus Clouds)
Eluvium – Night Projections (from Wisdom For Debris)
Ekin Fil – Silence Repeats (from Reds)
Yair Elazar Glotman – Home Port (from Northern Gulfs)
Jim Haynes – Tear (from The Shudder Of Velocity)
Biographs – Are We Ever Going To Get There?; We Won’t Ever Get There (from Must Dissolve)
Obnox – Molecule (from Louder Space)
Millie & Andrea – Stay Ugly (from Drop The Vowels)
Thou & The Body – In Meetings Hearts Beat Closer (from Released From Love)
Fatalism – Isolde (from Mystery Of Death)
Tare – Innate Blasphemy (from Ritual Degradation)
Haunted By Hallucinations – Confessions (from Haunted By Hallucinations)
Mark Harris – Everything I Did Was Wrong (from The Angry Child)
Nordvargr – Dhamphiri (from For The Blood Is The Life – The Second Strain EP)
Ashtray Navigations – The Trail Of The Long Wet Mystery Fruit That Dropped Into The Lion’s Mouth (from Insect Descent)
Anna Von Hausswolff – Källan (Prototype) Part Two (from Källan (Prototype))

josh mason interview pic
Droner extraordinaire Josh Mason is a pretty excellent dude. He put out my favorite drone record from last year, The Symbiont, recently released a fantastic collab with David Andree, and is involved in a massive upcoming project involving multiple artists (Cody Yantis, Nathan McLaughlin, Joe Houpert, and others) and will be released in multiple formats on Desire Path, FET Press, and Digitalis. The project is kind of collectively being called A Line In The Sand. Tons more info here. Anyway, Mr. Mason was very kind and took some time to answer a few questions for me.


What is the best way to die?
Is there really a best way? I suppose, for me anyway, there are preferred ways. As it stands, I think it would have to be quickly. It’s not so much the death that seems troublesome, but the dying.

How do you think you’ll die?
There probably isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about this. My anxiety leads me to believe it will be slow, agonizing and most likely alone—but it’ll probably be something dumb like electrocuting myself trying to get a bagel out of a toaster.

What makes you happy?
The love, support and generosity of my wife makes me incredibly happy. The death of false pizza. A record that is top notch from start to finish. Steve Brooks’ ‘Z’ string. Sunshine. Metafiction. Hot showers. Playing music. Growing my hair long. Being in good health. Being given another shot every day.

How can you die happy?
When I left home, the parting wisdom my mother gave me was that “At the end of the day all you need to ask yourself is ‘have I loved well?’”—hopefully I can remember that all the way till the end.

How close have you come to death?
When I was maybe 6 or 7, I blew myself across the room when I jammed a bobby pin into an electric socket (see?). I was in a pretty serious car accident when I was in college during a storm where the car hydroplaned across I-10 in Florida, into and past oncoming traffic going the other way and into a tree. Got food poisoning in the Dominican Republic once. I probably wasn’t going to die, but I’ve never been so violently ill in my life. I thought for sure in that buy cheap cialis in uk moment I wouldn’t make it.

What does kindness mean to you?
A gentleness in spirit and the ability to suspend one’s own agenda in order to extend compassion to those in need or want or who might otherwise never know it.

Where do you find love?
In my home. In quiet times. In the eyes of the generations of my family who have come before me. In the memory of youth. On the phone with my sister. In a community and network of friends who would drop everything for me if I needed them. At Timecode Beach.

When were you most afraid?
That is hard to gauge because I’m afraid, in general, pretty much around the clock.

Most recently though, it was on a flight to NYC. It was far and away the most turbulent flight I’ve ever had. Listening to Twigs & Yarn’s ‘Static Rowing’ on repeat for close to an hour was the only thing that helped calm me down. But before that it might have been the moments leading up to my engagement, the first show I played or possibly awaiting some medical diagnosis. Whatever it was, it would definitely have been something that I had time to brood over. Things like the car accident were too much of a blur for the fear to creep in.

How do you listen to music?
Mostly alone, but there are a lot of factors that play into that, such as genre and current state of mind.

I do listen to music much more objectively these days than when I was young. The older I have gotten, the more interested I have become in the technical aspects of what’s happening sonically. I have a hard time going to shows at clubs or venues these days because I am too easily distracted by everything going on around me. It kills me if I can’t see what the artist is doing or if someone is too busy taking video, talking or tweeting in front of me about their experience.

At home, I have a seat by the window where vinyl listening occurs. Cassettes in the car on the commute. Digitally at work to drown out the 9-5.

12 Jacket (3mm Spine) [GDOB-30H3-007}
Planning For BurialWhere You Rest Your Head At Night (The Flenser)
For Burial – Where You Rest Your Head At Night.mp3]  

After a ton of EPs and tapes and singles and splits and experiments, Planning For Burial, aka Thom Wasluck, finally follows up his 2010 debut LP Leaving with this second magnificent beast of a record (and his first foray into vinyl). Thom is the gloomiest bastard I know and Desideratum showcases that perfectly, this is beautifully depressing shit, taking the monstrous shoegazed metal from Leaving and building on it with the tender low-key sadness from how to buy cialis online in europe other releases like Quietly, he’s turned a wild mix of styles & genres including doom, slowcore, black metal, drone, gothwave, and everything else into a patented buzzing darkness that’s loud as fuck and just pure fucking excellence, overwhelming in sound and emotion, bleak walls of noise that build and crumble, huge waves swelling & crashing against cliffsides in a foggy storm, it’s blissful and devastating in the best way possible. If you dug Leaving as much as I did, rest assured Desideratum will not disappoint. It’s PFB at his best and it will fucking destroy you.

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HolyKindOfRequiem, Et Cetera (Eilean)


One of the dudes behind ambient doom shamans Zurvan and part owner of Rubber City Noise, James Bryan Parks has unveiled the debut full length of his solo project HolyKindOf and it’s a fucking glorious mess of crackle & warble drone, only 3 tracks but clocking in around 40 minutes, it’s got a ton of zippy tape fuckery and old vinyl grit alongside solid cello hum and ambient synth tones, burning like a more elaborate Basinski & Jeck collab, beautiful & melancholic, slowly breaking the fabric of your soul down into its foundational dust, and the middle track is really where Stay/Sea shines, where the drone drops deep and fully resonates in your bones, moving to transcendental sadness, knowledge of painful memories surfacing and opening up the world to a new light, heavy & heavenly, a masterful fucking record. Do not miss out on this, new(ish) project, new label, get in early, leave satisfied.

So much new stuff! The upcoming Planning For Burial record is a fuckin grand slam. So insanely good. And the Valerio Tricoli on PAN is crazy weird.

AGB Radio 2014-05-05

/Background music/ Illuha – Diagrams Of The Physical Interpretation Of Resonance (from Akari)
Planning For Burial – Where You Rest Your Head At Night (from Desideratum)
Taylor Deupree – Field (Beta) (from Lost & Compiled)
Ought – Forgiveness (from More Than Any Other Day)
Mike Weis – But The Sound Keeps Coming (from Don’t Know, Just Walk)
King Dude & Chelsea Wolfe – Be Free (from Sing More Songs Together)
Graves At Sea – This Place Is Poison (from This Place Is Poison)
Ai Aso – Date (from Lone)
Joe Houpert – 7:40 (from Line Drawings)
Fatima Al Qadiri – Shanzhai (for Shanzhai Biennial) (from Asiatisch)
Islaja – Sandals Of Alice (from S U U)
André Foisy & Dead Dragon Mountain – Anechoic (from The End Of History)
Rivulets – It’s Here (from Stars In Aspic)
Shxcxchcxsh – Mrrrchnnnn (from Vvvllllvvv)
Valerio Tricoli – Error (from Miseri Lares)
White Suns – Cathexis (from Totem)
A Winged Victory For The Sullen – Atomos VII (from Atomos VII)
Hiss Tracts – Shortwave Nights (from Shortwave Nights)

experimedia icon
Experimedia is one of my all-time favorite record labels. Non-stop amazing releases of all kinds. And a killer distro to boot. Sadly, the distro is on its way out, but the label will (hopefully) keep strong for a little while longer.

UPDATE: Distro isn’t shutting down anymore. Hooray!

AGB Radio 2014/04/28

/Background music/ Jeremy Bible – Gravel (from I Am Very Uncomfortable Most Of The Time)
Aaron Martin – Marked In Dust (from Worried About The Fire)
Piiptsjilling – Wurch Ljocht (Tired Light) (from Wurdskrieme)
Charles-Eric Charrier – 6 I (from Silver)
Lüüp – Taurokathapsia (from Meadow Rituals)
Black Swan – Part III (from In 8 Movements)
Black Swan – Drift Theory (from The Quiet Divide)
Jannick Schou – Everything Is Within You (from Act Of Shimmering)
Lawrence English – Frost’s Bitter Grip (from The Peregrine)
Keith Freund – For All Our Dead Pets (from Constant Comments)
Floris Vanhoof – Electronic Mantra (from Dolphins Into The Future / Floris Vanhoof Split)
From The Mouth Of The Sun – Like Shadows In An Empty Cathedral (from Woven Tide)
Celer – Repertoire Of Dinless Shifts (from Evaporate And Wonder)
Damian Valles – Movement II (from Nonparallel (In 4 Movements))
Superstorms – Part 3 (from Superstorms)
Ben Bennett – If You Want To Hear Some Definite Pitches, I’m Sure You Could Make Some Yourself Pretty Easily (from Spoilage)
Joshua Bonnetta – Strange Lines And Distances II (from Strange Lines And Distances)

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Hellvete – Ode (A-201) (Deep Distance)


Hellvete is Glen Steenkiste‘s solo project, he’s one of the founders of Sylvester Anfang (and SA II), and he’s been cranking out some supremely amazing minimal drone records, Ode being his third LP, and it’s a fucking doozy, two side long pieces of deeeeep zoning, lush organic reed-ish drones that hang in the air like a lead shroud, dense & mystical, the sound of every atom vibrating in harmony, subtly shimmering in blissful hypnosis that’s fucking over the top beautiful, effortlessly heavenly, overwhelming with warmth & euphoria, this is aural enlightenment, serious transcendental shit, absolute fucking perfection. Only 300 copies. As essential as it gets.

Fennesz and Eric Holm are already year end contenders. Also, be sure to stick around for the discofied SMZ.

AGB Radio 2014/04/21

/Background music/ Pete Swanson – Boiler Room, NYC (from Life Under The Art Flag)
Fennesz – Liminality (from Bécs)
Eric Holm – Kvastinden (from Andøya)
Léo Kupper – L’enclume Des Forces 1967-71 (from Electronic Works & Voices 1961-1979)
Federico Durand – Clavel (from El Estanque Esmerelda)
HolyKindOf – Ceremonial Magnet (Part I) (from Stay/Sea)
Coppice – So Lobes Drape As Such Gills Over A Hanger’s Pit (from Vantage/Cordoned)
Man Forever with So Percussion – The Clear Realization (from Ryonen)
Bass Clef – Euphoric Nihilism (from Raven Yr Own Worl)
Cinchel – Porch Swings (from A House Once Lived That Never Was)
Jason Lescalleet – The Tragedy Of Man (from Much To My Demise)
Peder Mannerfelt – Affricate Consonants (from Lines Describing Circles)
Christopher Bissonnette – Another Moving Site (from Essays In Idleness)
Saintseneca – So Longer (from Dark Arc)
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra – Any Fucking Thing You Love (from Hang On To Each Other)

donato epiro - fiume nero album cover
Donato EpiroNaja Nigricollis (Black Moss)


Donato’s been around for a while, letting loose on numerous labels limited tapes and CD-Rs of bizarre worldly sounds, generally (unfortunately) not making too big of a splash. Then along comes Black Moss, the label responsible for that Umberto picture disc to accompany your suicide and the insaaaaane Slowmantra tape, and they’re like “Dude! The world’s gotta wake up! Lets press this shit to wax and spread the love.” So they did. This is Epiro’s vinyl debut and it compiles tracks from two of his previous releases, Sounding The Sun & Supercontinent, both on the late great Stunned. Now I don’t normally post about reissue/compilation stuff here but this gets a pass because 1: I already mentioned this dude is way under-appreciated, 2: it was really easy to lose track of the onslaught of Stunned releases at the time, let alone going through the back-catalog now that they’re kaput, and most obviously 3: Fiume Nero fuckin kills. This is some dark jungle shit, vibin hard on sweaty rhythms, heat wave fuzz lines droning in the distance, ethno-industrial jams that feel like fever dream hallucinations, washed out black noise and beastly flutter, this is what you hear after solo trekking through the rainforest for weeks on end and you’re at the edge of your life, stumbling upon a tribe performing manic dance rituals, this record appropriates everything and comes out sounding fresh as fuck, Donato nails it. Only 300 copies and don’t let the reissue thing dissuade you. Fiume Nero is essential.

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FatalismIsabelle (Eternal Death)


Holy fuck this is some next level shit. Debut record from this duo featuring members of One Master and Morgirion playing some heavy dreamy gloom, mixing up elements of black metal, shoegaze, darkwave, and doom, giving it a (high) potential of sounding bland or generic but comes out sounding wholly unique and goddamn perfect. Just 4 songs, but each one fucking rocks, with echoing unintelligible vocals that blur into a hypnotic chant, this stuff is bleak, hard, and somehow still kinda catchy, ethereal buzzing guitars drifting through foggy cemeteries and then BAM a wall of blast beats to crush your soul, this burrows deep into your subconscious similar to that Charnel House’s Black Blood from last year, but this gets way more rowdy. Seriously, this is a killer fucking record. Hits all the right spots. Definitely keep an eye on this band.